Gasholder No.8 is a listed structure built in the 1800's, it stands on the south side of the
canal seen in the distance here -
The Canal - looking south east from where our site begins.
We have just started a new project, visited our locaton on Monday which is a stretch of the regents canal which passes through Kings Cross in Central London.
The Canal is a public stretch of land with a well used towpath alongside. Canal Boats navigate through this area daily.
Kings Cross is currently undergoing a major redevelopment which is privately funded. Over the next 10 years the site is becoming a location for retail, a new university of arts, it will have a new large public square, flats and student housing and will have its own 'energy centre' - a building in itself which will provide all of the energy needs of the site.
The Area along the towpath is going to opened up to the new environment north of the canal which will make more of a feature of the canal and opening up the space.
Dark skies above the area
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